In the beginning of the show, co-hosts Peter Goodman and Walter Rubel talked a bit about the recently-released report on misconduct (possibly criminal) by certain former city employees – and we’ll return to that subject twice during the 9-10 hour, with each of two city councilors.
For the rest of the first hour, Peter and Walt discussed the Academy for Learning in Retirement’s interesting Spring 2021 Program with Jeffrey Brown, a member of the board, and also with three of the scheduled presenters this spring, Barbara Skype Boyd (“The Wisdom Years: A Guide to Intentional Aging”), Ken Hammond (Southeast Asia), and Joe Roach (Russia & Ukraine)
At the beginning of the second hour, they did a Cruces Coronavirus Update.
For the last 45 minutes, they talked about the recently released report on misconduct by former city employees with City Councilor Kassandra Gandara, Las Cruces restaurant owner Marci Dickerson (who's mentioned in the report) and City Councilor Gill Sorg.