Hosts Randy Harris and Keith Whelpley enjoy the hour discussing the meaning of self. The last program of 2019. See you in 2020.
Lynn Moorer talked with Antonio Gonzalez-Rodriguez about his fantasy short story, “Jenaro and the Crimson Sails,” published in the anthology Sea of Secrets. Set in Puerto Rico in the 16th century, the story follows the adventures of Jenaro delRios, the young, undisciplined, carousing prince of the Andolins, who bests a dark adversary through a series of challenges and wins a red-sailed ship, the Charon’s Ferry, which previously ferried souls to the underworld and which now possesses human characteristics. Along the way, Jenaro grows up a bit and becomes a hero in the eyes of Bibi-Ama, a beautiful sea goddess. Walt Rubel reviewed the week's top news stories plus he gives a preview of the upcoming New Mexico legislative session.
What's your 2020 vision? Lisa Lucca shares tips for setting clear intentions for a successful New Year. Nan Rubin's guest is new City Historic Preservation Specialist Troy Ainsworth, Phd. They discuss the impact historic preservation can have on the cultural and financial health of Las Cruces.
Host Keith Whelpley and Richard Coltharp dig in on the topic of journalism past, present, and future on this weeks edition of Think Again and how people's thinking on the issues of news and opinion have changed as media sources have proliferated.
. Lisa Lucca talks with guests Linda Hall, Donni Rose, Nancy Breese, and Karen Krattinger about how meaningful friendships impact our lives Walt Rubel reviewed the week's top news stories plus he reported on what happened during the most recent city council and county commissioner's meetings. His feature interview this week was with NM State Senate President Pro Tem Mary Kay Papen. They talked about the breakup of the state’s mental health system in 2013 and subsequent attempts to put it back together.
State Representative Nathan Small and PRC member Steve Fischmann joined hosts Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel to talk about the upcoming legislative system and "looking forward" regarding energy.
Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel were joined by State Representative Joanne Ferrary and, for the first half, Ben Altenberg. They discussed The Shake-Up, Altenberg's documentary on Susana Martinez's shake up of southern New Mexico health care, and the upcoming 2020 NM Legislative Session, starting on January 21.
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September 2024