- Judith A. Baca, LCPD-Victim Assistance Unit
- Ida Aguirre, Las Casa, Inc., Agency
- Heather Chavez, Chief Deputy District Attorney
- Lucy Jimenez, DA Senior Victim Advocate
Local efforts to combat domestic violence were discussed with - Sylvy Galvan de Lucero, principal of La Academia Dolores Huerta, discussed Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15-Oct. 15.
Walt Rubel and Shirley Baca discussed items in the news including a recent column by Robert Kagan in the Washington Post warning that the nation is already in a constitutional crisis.
I lack the credentials to offer a legal opinion as to how the New Mexico Supreme Court should rule in the case relating to the death of Faviola Rodriguez. But you don’t need a law degree to know what’s right.
In today's conversation, co-host Keith Whelpley broaches the topic of how our perception of time changes as we get older. He shares about the recent death of a family member, which evolves into considerations of some of the aspects of death and dying.
Stuart Kelter interviews Dr. Kostas Kampourakis, author and editor of several books about evolution, genetics, philosophy, and the history of science, and the editor of the Cambridge University Press book series, Understanding Life. He is a former Editor-in-Chief of the journal Science and Education, as well as two other science education book series. He is currently a researcher at the University of Geneva, where he also teaches at the Section of Biology and the University Institute for Teacher Education. Today’s interview focuses on his latest book, Understanding Genes, which explores the many ways in which, contrary to popular belief, the influence of genes is only one component of a much more complicated picture.
![]() Lisa Lucca talks with author and memoir guru Linda Joy Myers about healing through writing and the impact of our ancestral lineage on our story. Rev. Erin J. Walter is a community minister ordained in the Unitarian Universalist tradition and also plays bass for two bands: Parker Woodland and Butch County. She joined host Xolani Kacela from her home in Austin, Texas. Erin Walter talked about her life as a minister in liberal faith. She discussed the sacred part of her ministry many people don’t see. Walter shared much needed wisdom. In particular, she described ways to build bridges over our differences. The pandemic affects us all, she said. She described how her UU ministry affects the people she serves. A member of the Texas UU Justice Ministry, her work often focuses on social justice. She put light on how listeners can change their neighborhoods by being humble.
Las Cruces Bulletin editor Dave Burge (with The Buzzman) gives a recap of the week's news and highlights some of the articles in the new issue of the newspaper.
![]() Former botanical desert garden director Marty Eberhardt chatted with Lynn Moorer about her debut novel, Death in a Desert Garden: A Bea Rivers Mystery. Set in the fictional Shandley Gardens near Tuscon, when one of the Gardens’ founders, Liz Shandley, is found dead in the Gardens, new Gardens employee and single mother Bea Rivers assists her old school friend Marcia Samuelson, now the police detective heading the murder investigation, to ferret out clues. As Bea sifts through a number of botanical clues sprinkled about, she discovers that each of the remaining Gardens’ board members and staff members has a plausible reason to want Liz dead. |
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February 2025