Stuart Kelter interviews Stephen Grossberg, one of the principal founders of the fields of computational neuroscience, connectionist cognitive science, and artificial neural network research. At Boston University he has been Professor of Cognitive and Neural Systems since 1989, founder of the Center for Adaptive Systems since 1981, and Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Psychological and Brain Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering. In 1987 he founded the International Neural Network Society and its journal, Neural Networks, which became the official journal of the three major neural modeling societies in the world, and was its Editor-in-Chief until 2010. Grossberg has won numerous awards for his work for “seminal contributions to understanding brain cognition and behavior and their emulation by technology.” His recently published book, Conscious MIND, Resonant BRAIN: How Each Brain Makes a Mind, is about Adaptive Resonance Theory, his model of how our brains pay attention, recognize, and predict objects and events in a changing world. Comments are closed.
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September 2024