The conversation touches on some of today's most challenging societal considerations of race, ethics, politics, economics, education, and equity - marking the beginning of further Think Again programs (February 2023) to more deeply explore these topics.
On this "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day" we welcome Shahid Mustafa and Jerome Davis, who share some of their memories of growing up in the same neighborhoods of Chicago, Illinois, and their personal perspectives on MLK's role and influence in their lives.
The conversation touches on some of today's most challenging societal considerations of race, ethics, politics, economics, education, and equity - marking the beginning of further Think Again programs (February 2023) to more deeply explore these topics. Lisa Lucca has a powerful conversation with author Cathryn Vogeley about her memoir I Need to Tell You, her experience of losing her firstborn to closed adoption at 18 years old, and women's rights in our post-Roe v Wade country. I was walking along a public sidewalk the other day when a woman’s voice came from a nearby house informing me that I was being recorded. So, I belted out a medley of Broadway show tunes.
There was once a time when constant surveillance conjured up Orweilian images of Big Brother. Now, it’s just a routine part of life. Shirley and Walt speak with Gus Sanchez, director of the Blank Conversations Theatre Company, about the musical “Green Day’s American Idiot,” which will be performed this month at the Rio Grande Theatre.
American Idiot at the Rio Grande Theatre Shirley and Walt speak with Emma Ladd, owner of the Adobe Bistro, who recently opened a new gallery in the Historic District. Emma also discusses the issue of renter’s rights for business owners.
Walt and Shirley speak with NMSU history professor, Jamie Bronstein, on her upcoming presentation for the Academy for Learning in Retirement on the Constitution and the Supreme Court.
The Constitution and the Supreme Court at the Academy for Learning in Retirement Co-hosts, Walt Rubel and Shirley Baca discuss local affairs, community issues and national news.
At the end of 2022, The Branigan Cultural Center opened an exhibit called "Honesty of Construction: The WPA and Spanish Colonial Style Furniture." The exhibit features several rooms of household furniture that is beautifully designed and constructed. The pieces were made in the 1930's as part of The Works Progress Administration, a depression-era program of the federal government aimed at teaching young men and women a marketable trade such as woodworking.
The furniture represents a much broader story tied to the struggle to create an identity for New Mexico during its push towards statehood, the European concept of "high art" versus "low art", and the preservation of Indigenous and Hispanic cultures in the face of rapid expansion of Anglo settlers brought here by the railroads. Nan Rubin was joined in the studio by museum curator, Jennifer McClung, who prepared the exhibit and wrote extensive background commentary, and Irene Oliver-Lewis whose father, Fred, was a participant in the workshop. Prompted by a recent program in which Bob Diven and Deidra Schaub shared their experience of terminating their social media accounts, Keith Whelpley joins us today to explore broader considerations of digital surveillance in general. This conversation touches on a few of the profound influences that unchecked digital surveillance has upon our information access. We look at the influences upon our decision making, our personal freedom, our democracy, our economic structures and our individual and collective psyches. We briefly touch on artificial intelligence, social media, algorithms, unauthorized eavesdropping through our devices, and the harvesting, storing and selling of our personal data. The conversation also points to some of the efforts being made to rein in and redirect what seems like a wild west period of runaway technologies.
Music ShowsClick here to find archived episodes of many of our music programs on Mixcloud.
September 2024