Co-hosts Peter Goodman and Dan Lere discuss issues in the news, both regional and national.
Harvey Hilbert, a combat wounded Vietnam Veteran who enlisted in 1964, offers some of his observations about how we think about patriotism, why we think the way we do, and why that matters. Twenty-two years ago today, on September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon spawned "The Patriot Act" and 20 plus years of war in the Middle East. Currently, we see some of the most murderous culture wars in America driven by those who identify as patriots. The conversation touches on who in 2023 may be genuine patriots, and who merely wrap themselves in the word and the flag to justify strongly held, hateful, un-American reactions to the challenges of our times.
more information The Patriot Act Patriotism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Eric Hoffer - The True Believer The Patriot Movement in America CNN Opinion on Patriotism in America Associated Press - How to define Patriot? Lisa Lucca talks with screenwriter, performer, costumer, and children's book author, Jocelyn Wright about her interesting Hollywood career, her life as a writer, and her newest incarnation as a children's book author! Lisa Lucca talks with author Carolyn Arnold about her journey of love, dating & sexuality at midlife and beyond, and her racy memoir, Fifty First Dates After Fifty. Stuart Kelter interviews Gregg Sparkman, a professor of Social Psychology, who directs the Social Influence and Social Change Lab at Boston College. Using national surveys and field studies, his research focuses on harnessing the power of social influence, identity, moral reasoning, and beliefs to enhance the possibility of significant change. The findings can translate into large scale motivational interventions, in collaboration with non-profit, public, and private organizations, to address social problems related to the environment, health, and social inequity.
Bill Richardson was the most ambitious person I’ve ever met.
Our first meeting was when I was a moderator for a 2002 gubernatorial debate against Republican John Sanchez and David Bacon of the Green Party. Richardson was so unconcerned with his opposition that he instead focused on Democrats in the state Legislature, warning them not to get in the way of his big tax cut. Walt and Peter speak with Nicole Martinez, executive director for Community of Hope, about their annual Tents to Rents fundraiser which is taking place now.
Peter and Walt speak with Joe Roach, an expert on Russian history and consultant for companies doing business in Russia. Mr. Roach will discuss his upcoming series for the Academy for Learning in Retirement about the War in Ukraine.
Walt and Peter speak with Lorenzo Alba, executive director of Casa de Peregrinos, about the recent expansion and remodeling designed to help people needing food assistance maintain their dignity.
Co-hosts Walt Rubel and Peter Goodman discuss items in the news, both regional and national.
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October 2024