KTAL-LP Broadcasts LCPS High School Senior Celebrations
Las Cruces Public Schools (LCPS) approached KTAL about broadcasting their drive-by Senior Celebrations. Since the pandemic prevented them from having a big ceremony, LCPS asked the students and their families to decorate their cars for the drive-by ceremony. The students had a great time, as did our hosts, who are so proud and happy to have participated.
Linda (Nola Girl) Hall, who hosted at the celebrations, reflects on the event: This was a wonderful opportunity for KTAL to help our community celebrate these incredible young adults and, for myself, some emotional moments as students laughed and cried and I did the same along with them.
From Bruce A. Ernst, General Manager: To be cautious, we are still letting our hosts decide when they feel it is safe to come into the studio; however, the Operations Committee needs to be at the station to keep KTAL on the air.
These volunteers do a lot of work at the station, mostly behind the scenes, so I thought it would be good to feature this group in the newsletter. The committee includes Dean Mattson, Minerva Rivera, Michael Allen and me, but they do most of the work of scheduling programs, producing and editing shows and maintaining electronics. For more info on the group and what they do, click here.
The Changing Face of Chasey Chasem
Thanks to the artistic creations of Martha Roditti, KTAL’s mascot, Chasey Chasem, changes with the seasons and happenings in the area. Chasey was originally designed by Jaymie Rubin Zapata, but Martha is responsible for all the different artwork that transforms the headgear for Chasey, so that we can have Chasey dressed for every important occasion that happens in the region: Santa for the holidays, Spacey for Space Week, and the masked mascot for current times. Thanks, Martha!
The Road Runner Revue
Given the pandemic, it appears likely that we will not host the Road Runner Revue this year, but we still need to raise funds, so we will have an on-line fund-raising "event" August 1-8. More info to come in our next newsletter.
Useful Links for Information on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Volunteers are the grease for the gears that keep Las Cruces Community Radio running smoothly. There is no paid staff! Please consider volunteering at KTAL. Radio experience is welcome but not necessary.
For more information about how to get involved, please visit: https://www.lccommunityradio.org/contact-us.html.
Become a Member! Please consider becoming a sustaining member. It helps the station budget for and pay rent, utilities, licensing fees and other essentials. You can sign up for monthly payments or donate here. Or, you can send a check made out to:
KTAL Radio
121 Wyatt Dr. #9
Las Cruces, NM 88005 We appreciate your support!
Our Mission
KTAL-LP’s mission is to operate a public radio station that entertains, informs, challenges, inspires and engages our listeners through an eclectic mix of musical, cultural, educational and community affairs programming.
The vision of Las Cruces Community Radio is for a truly local radio station that reflects the diversity of views, news, and talent in our community. Our goal is to have as much local programming as possible, including talk and call-in shows, public and community affairs, local artists, and a wide range of voices and perspectives.