Hosts Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel talked with the two known candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for Dona Ana County Commissioner, District 4: Debra Hathaway and Sam Bradley.
Hosts Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel learned about what's happening at this year's Las Cruces International Film Festival with Marsha San Filippo, Executive Producer of the Film Festival. Nan Rubin interviews two members of the 2020 Southern New Mexico Suffrage Alliance, Rebecca Courtney and Eileen Van Wie, on the upcoming 100 year celebration of the passage of the 19th amendment which granted women the right to vote. The event is Saturday, February 22nd, at 10 am, on the Plaza de Las Cruces downtown. Speakers include Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver. More information is available at (575) 524-8683, or the 2020 Southern New Mexico Suffrage Alliance Facebook page.
Randy Harris & Keith Whelpley interview Lucas Peerman from the Las Cruces Sun-News. Is the future of local newspapers bleak, or just changing? What changes are underway to define how we get local news in the digital/social media era?
Stuart Kelter interviews Jamie O'Hara about the history, technique, and entrepreneurship of magic.
On this week's show, the Las Cruces City Council talks trash, Dona County Sheriff Kim Stewart talks about her start in her new job and her thinking on marijuana legalization plus Walt Rubel’s run-down of the week’s top news stories.
On the February 12, 2020 edition of Speak Up, Las Cruces, Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel spoke with Raymond Bernstein, a representative of opponents to a planned development off Boutz Road. The City Council is due to make a final determination next week at its regular meeting. (Developers were also invited, but declined to appear.)
Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel talked with Vice-Admiral Lee Gunn (ret.), an expert on global security who discussed the impact of climate-change on our military and on international security issues. On the February 12, 2020 edition of Speak Up, Las Cruces, Peter Goodman and Walt Rubel talked to Brenda Wenzel, a self-described wanderer with whom they discussed . . . wandering.
Nan Rubin's guests Kay Brillant and Londa Seifert, Girl's Can! Conference coordinators, highlight the Girl's Can! program for 6th grade girls. This year's event will be held March 7th at 8am at Dona Ana Community College (DACC), East Campus. The program is open to all 6th grade girls, and their parents or guardians, to learn about career opportunities. Area women professionals, college students, and other community volunteers, will present 19 different career sessions during the morning event. Preregistration through counselors at area schools are encouraged, but walk-in's are welcome the morning of the event.
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September 2024